Monday, September 30, 2019

Junk Science Essay

What led me to this decision based on Baloney Detection Method, the person writing this article did not list who they are, whether or not they have a degree in the matter that they are speaking of, nor do they list who or what company is sponsoring them. No reliable sources are listed in case the reader wants to verify any of the information is to be true. The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus – Baloney junk. Although this article list who are the writers of this article, it does not give any information if either student has received a degree in the information that they are discussing. It does not include what company or organization that is supporting the author. The sources that they listed are not credible. The article does not state whether this information has been reviewed nor verified by any expert, but only claims from a book, articles, and you tube videos. Environmental Effects of Genetically Modified Food Crops – Reliable Unlike the other two articles, this article reveals the name and the profession degree this person has for the matter that is been discussed. The article list who the author is with and who stands to benefit from the work. The article has a variety of reliable sources included if the reader has any questions or simply wants to verify the matter being discussed. This article list the research, written work, claims and field work that has been conducted by other experts. This article provides majority all of the information needed for the questions that are being asked to determine whether or not it is junk science.

English Language Learner Essay

The United States still represents to the rest of world a land of opportunities. Immigration occurs when people from all part of the world make their way here to start new lives, find their new jobs or build new homes. Some leave their country to flee from oppression and injustice. Some want a life to escape poverty. Now the English Language Learners in America school constantly growing percent of all U.S student-There are more than five million children who are English Language Learners (ELLs). Research show that Bilingual Education is beneficial to people who learning English to support their English Language also native language and to retain. The Bilingual Education is more effective to English Learners research that students who are educate in Bilingual classrooms do as well as or better than the groups of English sold literacy skill, cause of their thinks are just would cover their miserable life by money, that’s all they have to do. The challenge faced by English Language is an obstacle to their education success in this country. Amount of students who participating to learn English are enrolled in U.S. public schools (pre-K-12) increased by 8.5 percent, from 46.0 million in 1997-1998 to mostly 50 million in 2007-2008. In them, at least 10.7 percent or more than 5.3 million children were English Language Learners (ELLs). Over the time, the number of ELL increased by 53.2 percent, from 3.5 million to 5.3 million) in the same period, this statistic was show that there is no signal to stop and might be grow up in the future. The nation’s ELL student (about 1.5 million children) mainly lived in California, state with the largest amount of student in need of English instruction. Behind California, the three states also contained an amazing number of ELL enrollment: Arizona (166,572), New York (213,000), and Texas (701,800). All English Language Learners are definitely struggling to learn English sometime, they were fail to understand what is the teacher talking about, and may become unpleasantness when they have an idea but cannot transmit wholeness express their thoughts in English. That’s might be a biggest problem for ELLs who would like to speak English well but don’t want to learn English. Meanwhile, many students experience another kind of struggle, when they go home, they speak different language in which their parents  communicated. But a lots immigrant students of ELL have a habit of fluency in English and so want to give up their native language. They pressure to speak English at school; they are expected to speak their native language at home. In the education process, there is â€Å"English-only Laws do not help Immigrant gain fluency in English â€Å". Some individually consider that being not only of English Language Learners (ELL), but of American communities as a whole. The governments do not promote English as official language so much as they make discrimination to different kind of language. However, ELLs should not receive English-only laws, instead achieve literacy, it makes disconnect to immigrant who want to keep their tradition. Beside of that, an obstacle for all students of ELLs that they must to receive the same program such as student spokes of native English when they are during education process, many trammels as reading literature in English cause most literature is culture bound. Students who desire to speak English fluency must struggle for several year before they understand everything that is said i n their classroom, and that is discrimination for all ELLs as they received entire subjects with not their language such as mathematics, science, social study, language art,†¦ while their literacy skills do not well at all. Bilingual Education – consider that such as education in an English-language school system in which students with little fluency in English are taught in both their native language and English. Research show that Bilingual Language is the effective choice and definitely benefic for English Language Learners. It not only helping to advantage of ELLs to become solid literacy skills with both language, Bilingual Education also support to students develop ability of communication with international. The review found that almost K-12 students show who have been educated in bilingual classroom, enroll in programs that have high level of bilingualism probably do as well as or might be better than comparison group of English Learners in English-only program. English Learners want to improve their English as well as they could be, but they also receive a lot of challenges from English. As you are learning any new language, it takes a lot of dedication, practice and time. But all of that will pay off when you are able expressing yourself in an exciting way. You have to know what is your first step will going to be, then just keep going and expand all experience that you have become perfectly. Also, the English teacher should  purposefully select words and sentence structures that will help students learn rather than hinder their success in class or practice for them to listening, specific is talking to improve their pronunciation. Eventually, English Language Learners could be received a lot of challenges by English Language as they struggle to fit into a new society, learn a new language, improving the achievement of communicate ability with international. However, English has been the common world-wide language, and it will be in the future. For this reason, English Language Learners must be insist that practice and policy by based on the best evidence we have and not on politics or predilections.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Inspiration of the Bible

Divine inspiration of Bible, its significance is taken out for one of the most important reasons is the usage of Bible inspiration as an important element in the Scripture. It develop together all the accounts of Scripture and provides the most with value. The notion of the disputes according the Scripture point and inspiration case is carried throughout Orton Wiley's Christian Theology. Wiley entered the dispute pretending to show the false meaning of the Bible . He clearly stated that â€Å"only three worthy monarchs, the kings have gathered a faith in their hands. It means that, they forced our Faith and put it into a false and unworthy position before God and man. † (Wiley, 6). He put the strong critique and abuse towards the Church's prerogatives: â€Å"The Reformers themselves have fought earnestly to maintain the balance between the formal and the material rules of every day life. At the end the formal principal has superseded the material, so people began unconsciously to substitute the written, God-breathed Word for Christ by the Living Word. They have divorced the written word from the Personal God's Word and thus were put into a false position. It was no longer the guidance from God, his speech, the Spirit's presence, but just a recorded speech which bound men by legal rather than spiritual bonds. Nowadays people knowledge became formal rather than spiritual. The understanding of God became less true and real. It is not a consequence that Christ appeared to them as a historical figure, but not a Living Reality; and people sought more for a Knowledge of God's will than for God Himself. They gave more attention to creeds than to Christ. † (Wiley 2). This paper is purposed discuss the importance of inspiration and the Bible as the God-breathed word. One of the most specific attentions in inspiration doctrine is paid to the content of the person's doctrine of Scripture. It indicates the divine activity bringing scripture to the real life. Generally the doctrine of inspiration shows us the role of God in the life process. Secondly the idea of inspiration stresses on the place where everyone stands in the whole critical enterprise. Nowadays it has become one of the most disputable topics of the modern theological field. The core point to disputes lays in the way to find out which doctrine has been used recently in the biblical researches. The objective of this work is to explore the inspiration theory's development and the position of the major part of modern theologians who support the Methodist tradition. Current field of study claims for more research and investigation to be done in the future. At beginning of the century an inspiration tradition experienced the powerful pressure from the side of different religious confessions. (Wiley 6) At those times it was difficult to find anyone who was willing to express their feelings combining a comprehensive and right account of inspiration. So there was a fruitful field for appearing the rival knowledge of doctrines related to inspiration theme and their development. In the early years of the twentieth century this tandem was replaced by pluralism and this fact was confirmed within the United Methodist Church of America. Olin Curtis (1850-1918) and Henry Sheldon (1845 – 1928) have brought us the blowing wind of changes. According to Dr. Curtis studying the special revelation as the very essence of the Christian faith helps us to recognize the traditional, rather apologetic claims for miracle. Here is a guarantee that revelation was inadequate as has been developed by his forebears. Dr, Curtis claims â€Å"the miracles are not created by a judicious defense or supernatural activity, he stresses that they are the acts of God, performed in his extraordinary way. The inspiration knowledge by Curtis seems to be a dynamic and essential system, which exists in the peace and consequence with God illuminating his inner life and acting vitally for Christian brotherhood and love. Dr. Curtis rejects the necessity of inerrant Bible implementing. (Curtis 177). In order to go through our investigation completely and to reach the target we need to answer the question: â€Å"What, actually, do we mean, by the inspiration? † The word inspiration firstly appeared in usage in Timothy 3:16, where we can read: â€Å"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness† (Henry 129). Following the word's etymology , we can assume that â€Å"inspired† is translated from the Greek as theopnuestos that means â€Å"God-breathed†. Some of translations give us the samples which could be adopted as â€Å"ex-spired† or â€Å"breathed out†. Looking through the Biblical sense of inspiration the firstly comes the idea that writers created exactly the things need to be written for God. This idea is supported in Peter 1: 20-21, where it is clearly stated that â€Å"no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will. Well known theologian Carl Henry gives the work definition to inspiration as â€Å"a supernatural influence upon the divinely chosen prophets and apostles. So, the Spirit of God assures the truth and trustworthiness of their verbal and written proclamation†. According to his definition the writers who created the manuscripts were divinely â€Å"supervised† by the Holy Spirit choosing the necessary words and phrases used in their works. Although some places were totally dictated to writers, Finally the process of inspiration has been spread to every word of every known book and of the Bible, as the main source of people's knowledge. Jesus opened this destiny to us, stating that inspiration is extended to the very words (Matt. 5:18). Following the discussion presented by Paul Merritt Bassett in his case study it is necessary to admit that Orton Wiley (our main opponent for current paper) shows us no slight doubt about the Bible as the primary source of Christian theology. He stated that â€Å"the Holy Scriptures constitute the quarry out of which are mined the glorious truths utilized in constructing the edifice of Christian doctrine† (Wiley 89). At the same time he has expressed some sort of ambiguity here because he told that â€Å"in a deeper sense, Jesus Christ, our Lord is Himself the fullest revelation of God. He is the Word of God-the outlived and outspoken thought of the Eternal. While we honor the Scriptures in giving them a place as our primary source.. Christ, must ever be held in proper relation to the Bible, the written Word. If the letter would be vital and dynamic, we must through the Holy Spirit, be ever attuned to that living One whose matchless words, incomparable deeds, and vicarious death constitute the great theme of that Book of books† (Wiley 90). Following our dispute I need to stress that even from the historical point of view the first place in the analysis of inspiration's doctrine belongs to Bible. Scripture has its important place in the investigation but before turning to Scripture it will be a right thing to do to look to the institute of church throughout the history. From this point of view the understanding of liberal scholars will be easier and we will receive the opportunity to see whose position is in going with our opponents in the faith. Until the 19th century the church, as the essential institute, traditionally held the principals of inspiration of Scripture. Dr. Warfield, the famous theologian, said that â€Å"Christendom has always reposed upon the belief that the utterances of this book are properly oracles of God† (Warfield 141). In the 16th century the great reformers Martin Luther and John Calvin expressed their recognition of the divine source and authority of Scripture. The importance of inspiration is expressed in 2 Timothy 3:17. It says that all Scripture is God-breathed, so there is no place for error in it. In 2 Timothy 3 Paul also states about the importance of protection against the false teaching, the apostasy. To be firm in the truth of our faith and in Christ we should obtain the firm basis, because there are many people who are opposed to truth, â€Å"the evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived† (v. 13). All Christians â€Å"who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted† (v. 2). The Bible as the faith foundation cannot contain any errors. The entire Bible as a God-breathed book teaches us â€Å"correct, reprove, and train in righteousness†. So following the Bible we are adequate, and equipped for every good work. From the very beginning the Christian Church led us to the doctrine of verbal, plenary inspiration. People who denied the fact that the Bible reflects the true word of God had no basis, no additional foundation un derneath their faith. The Bible is the standard to judge us and our activity and we are not the judges of Bible at any times. Summarizing the ideas it is necessary to admit that the people who read the Bible are led by Holy Spirit, who confirmed to every single person that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, the message from Him. One of the strongest evidences of the Bible as the God's word is the Book survival and influence during the last two centuries while all the multiplied attempts to destroy it have failed. The proclamations of Scripture are approved by our life experience, for example, the practical changes in the life of societies and individuals are evidential and true. The testimonial character of Scripture has found the confirmation in many areas and fields of the modern life. Even despite all these obvious evidences we have described above, if we were are not able to prove the inspiration of the Bible to anyone and to bring any serious foundation underneath our faith, we still can share its message, answer questions, help people to open their minds and hearts. Works cited: 1. Bernard, Ramm, Protestant Christian Evidences. Chicago: Moody Press, 1953, esp. chaps. 8 and 9. 2. Curtis, Olin. The Christian Faith. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1909, p. 177. 3. Henry, Carl. God, Revelation and Authority, vol. 4, The God Who Speaks and Shows. Waco, TX: Word Books, 1979, 129. 4. Warfield, God, Revelation and Authority, New York: Eaton and Mains, 1999), 4:141. 5. Wiley, Orton. Introduction to Christian Theology. Kansas City: Beacon Hill, n. d. 1929

Friday, September 27, 2019

Personal an Professional Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal an Professional Development - Essay Example I will be prepared if any such situation comes before me as I can get an opportunity to apply my ideas and thoughts, get a chance to make practical decisions, and formulate techniques to over come certain difficulties or problems. With my practical knowledge I will contribute to strong decision making. I feel glad to see problems as challenges. Although at times being too much mechanical and not caring about people’s emotions, I am able to develop a strategy for overcoming difficulties in various aspects of both personal and professional life. I am able to build group spirit and promote open communication. With my past experience in the law firm, I have learnt to act in a group and there by learnt to develop group spirit where I feel comfortable to support open communication with my colleagues and peers. Being into the administration department of my family run medical clinic, I am also able to lead a team as I possess tremendous organising abilities. I believe with my ability to build team with group spirit, I will be able to maximise the effort of the members, increase productivity of my organisation and thereby bring success. With the presence of such skills I will cooperate with my co-workers in lieu of listening to them and carrying an open discussion about things and problems to sort out and come up with favourable actions. I will be applying the group spirit to know individual opinion and judgements that will help me to take the ultimate decisions. The ability of communicating openly will help me to carry on an overall communication without much ambiguity. I have the competency of self development and seek feedback on my strengths and weaknesses and commence activities to enhance my knowledge, skills and competencies in order to perform more effectively or enhance my career. With this competency, I am able to spend time by learning new

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Language as a Political Instrument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Language as a Political Instrument - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that while the use of language has been in existence since time immemorial, people normally convey various messages using selective language, with some qualifying for political language. Certainly, language can play a pivotal role in relaying political messages especially in situations and environments where the impending messages may spark strong reactions. More often than not, euphemism has been at the center stage of driving political messages whereby one uses a language that appears to be more controversial or less serious to disguise the reality of the situation. In this regard, it is important to note that language the manner in which people use language determines the positivity or negativity of the language especially when it comes to political statements. Similarly, in James Baldwin’s essay, â€Å"If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?† Baldwin claims that Black English result from political alienation. He frequently compares and contrasts Black English from the ‘right’ English. While some political acts appear so gruesome to be put in plain language, most people who make political statements tend to employ euphemism in their speeches in order to negate the veracity or intensity of the situation they are trying to explain. In this regard, James Baldwin claims that Black English result from political alienation essay in the essay If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?... Owing to the fact that in most cases, the language a person uses defines who they are, people have the tendency of evolving the language they use in order to evade being submerged in situations that they are not in a position to articulate (Baldwin 653). This is especially so because different people speaking the same language can have different connotations for the same language based on their background and geographical location. Although everyone uses language in order to control and articulate various realities in life, it is worthy to note that language can sometimes transform into a political tool owing to its ability to bring out the identities of various persons and communities. This is especially true when it comes to the French and Britons who have heavy accents and various political undertones attached to their language and therefore identifying a foreigner in such countries is quite an easy task (Baldwin 654). According to Orwell, most people who use political speech do s o in defense of various ugly scenarios, although this often backfires in the end (5). In order for a political language to be effective in its context, euphemism and vagueness need to be injected through various language articulations. A classic example of cases where political languages have used euphemism are the ‘continuance of British rule in India’ and the ‘the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan’. These statements appear less critical in their current context though the situation on the ground at the time of the two major events was quite astonishing, at least according to history books. In essence, the language used by the political class in describing past or present events normally portray a major understatement for example a country

Management of chronic pain control in cancer Essay

Management of chronic pain control in cancer - Essay Example In one year more than 500 people in 100,000 will be diagnosed with cancer within the United Kingdom (Cancer Research UK, 2012). The same site states that the survival rate for all cancers has now reached 50%, with some types having a very high 5 year survival rate of 95% and with women generally having a higher survival rate than men. Treatment will have included such things as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, all of which play their part in either removing or destroying cancer cells. Such treatment though has its costs and it is a normal experience to have some pain after cancer surgery. Most of this will fade after time, but in some cases pain can persist for months or years, especially if nerves are damaged. After radiation therapy there may be pain which eventually resolves. In some cases though pain can develop a long way down the line. Chemotherapy can also result in pain and numbness. Some people may also find that they are liable to migraines, low back pain and other t ypes of pain (, 2012). All of these pains require treatment, but often patients are worried about taking large amounts of analgesics, and may not reveal the extent of their problems. Fullen et al( 2006) point within schools of both medicine and nursing the amount of time spent teaching students about pain relief varies considerably, which will contribute to a patchy service when it comes to pain relief, simply because of inadequate training in some areas. This in turn means that more patients suffer to a greater extent than they need do, and also increase time off work and in hospital, at great cost to themselves and to the country’s health service., Chronic pain has been defined as† having pain on a daily basis for more than six months† (Fullen et al, 2006). Cancer is a term used for more than one hundred diseases in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and invade surrounding tissues as well as spreading to other parts of the body through such me ans as the lymphatic and circulatory systems. It affects both organs and mechanisms. This multiplicity of possibilities requires very individualised treatment at every stage from diagnosis on through treatment and into survivorship. The Alliance for Cervical Cancer Prevention (2004) describes how a diagnosis can mean a person feels isolated, anxious, angry and depressed. It might well be assumed that once a cure has been achieved all this could be put behind them, but persistent pain is a very real issue in many cases, as could be psychological issues. Some will feel exalted that they have survived such a major threat, but others may continue to see themselves as a victim, especially if there are long term physical differences, as for example if there is the need for a permanent colostomy, or a man becomes impotent. Within the United Kingdom in 2012 it was declared that treatment for cancer is becoming ever more successful (Department of Health, 2012). The cure is not always the fin al end of pain however. The patient and his family have had to deal with the shock of diagnosis, the progress of the disease and then the joy of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Shakespeare Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Shakespeare Research Paper - Essay Example This paper examines and explores the foundations of this theory which in fact grants Francis Bacon the authorship of William Shakespeare’s works. The analysis of the said theory primarily focuses on providing a rationale and arguments which support this supposition. The approach which has been adopted in the paper is based on assessing the theory from an evaluative perspective which is based on identifying the proposals of the advocates of this theory and responses of individuals who doubt this claim. In conclusion, the paper answers a critical question that has been perpetuated by those who remain fascinated by the world of English literature: was William Shakespeare solely responsible for penning down the literary works we link with him? At the heart of the Shakespeare authorship debate is a woman named Delia Bacon, as stated by Shapiro, â€Å"Delia Bacon, more than anyone before or after, was responsible for triggering what would come to be known as the Shakespeare authors hip controversy† (18). ... Thus, Bacon’s objective of unmasking the reality of Shakespeare was motivated by the underlying political characteristics of the playwright’s masterpieces which she could only associate with individuals such as Francis Bacon. Shahan and Waugh assert that despite of the reservations of critics who view Delia Bacon’s account with uncertainty and ambiguity because of her eventual descend into psychological illness, the scholar employed â€Å"†¦remarkably modern methods of literary analysis† to arrive at her claim (204). While, this feature of her account certainly lends weight to the Baconian theory, the critical and intriguing question that has emerged is, why Francis Bacon? The answer to which has been provided in scholarly sources that are evaluated in the paper. According to Shapiro, the name of Francis Bacon soon emerged as one of the key contenders who could be revealed as the ‘real’ Shakespeare (19). As a one of the most prominent ind ividuals of Renaissance, Francis Bacon was a man of many talents; well-read, well-traveled and with the ability to engage the reader with his gifted writing talent. In 1594, he was appointed by Queen Elizabeth to serve as her literary counsel, not only that, through the works for which he was indeed credited such as the eminent Essays, the Novum Organum and the Instauratio Magna, Francis Bacon displayed his extraordinary literary capability (Shapiro 19). Even after his death in 1626, Bacon’s admirers in France upheld his philosophical works in the highest regard, by celebrating the scientist’s life and his contribution to the establishment of social reform. Shapiro claims that a significant

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Title Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Title - Essay Example Therefore, our feelings, living conditions, and other important aspects that contribute to a happy life are sacrificed for the benefits of other people. As a result, this has led to unhappy life among the people in different spectrum. In the past one decade, many companies have expanded their markets with the aim of increasing their overall revenues. This is because with the increasing levels of globalization resulting from liberalization of markets, efficient flow of information, and integration of economies, the level of competition has increased tremendously. This results from the entry of multinational companies which have a huge financial base to segment the market, position their products or services strategically in the market and attract customer loyalty towards their products or services. However, the intensified competition has increased the level of uncertainty among the consumers. In the meantime, the customers cannot be able to predict the future prices of the commodities. Each company is trying to implement new strategies in order to increase its market share. Furthermore, they have kept their competitive strategies as a secret in order to lower the chances of the competitors reacting towards their new move. Moreover, the companies keep on introducing new products in the market in order to diversify the source of revenues, an aspect that is aimed at reducing the risks and uncertainties associated with concentrating on a single product. Therefore, these aspects are making it hard for the consumers to know what will happen in the future and whether it will affect their financial stability. In order to a bit feel secure, the customers are forced to undergo some happiness in order to save the available money. This is making it hard for them to lead happy and satisfying lives. Majority of the people are employed in the corporate sector. With the increasing levels of competition in the market,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Saudi Arabia & Bahrain Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Saudi Arabia & Bahrain Economy - Essay Example Approximately 40% of the GDP originates from the private sector. On average, the basket oil price for OPEC was about $77.20 for every barrel during the first quarter of 2010 and $44.79 in 2009 in the same period. It recorded about 77.4 percent in global recovery based on revived demand for energy in the world and increased confidence in business (GulfBaseb, 2015). In April 2010, the basket oil price for OPEC was $82.33 for every barrel compared to $50.20 per barrel in 2009 and $105.16 in 2008. During the peak levels, the prices of oil were at $147.27 per barrel in the international market in 2008 because of a rise in energy demand and geo-political risks witnessed in the Middle East. The prices of oil plunged more due to the economic and financial crisis witnessed during the same period (Heritage, 2015). In an aim to diversify its economy and attract foreign investment, Saudi Arabia has started off with huge projects, such as establishing six economic cities in various parts around the Kingdom to facilitate balanced growth. From 2003 to 2008, Saudi Arabia has witnessed considerable growth in its economy regardless of the high production and oil prices. The other sectors, particularly real-estate and construction industries have contributed significantly to the economy. Both the public and private sectors have played a major role, since increased spending by the government and foreign direct investment (FDI) have supported a sustainable and effective non-oil economy. After realizing exceptional growth due to oil revenues fostered by external forces for six years, the demand for world energy declined considerably because of the economic and financial crisis, leading to a tremendous decline in prices of oil. All countries globally felt the influence including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi a in 2009. Nonetheless, Saudi Arabia was slightly affected among GCC countries as a result of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Financial Forecasting CheckPoint Essay Example for Free

Financial Forecasting CheckPoint Essay The reason type of companies such as brand new companies, family-owned companies, and long-standing companies would need a financial forecast is to develop projected financial statements; a series of pro forma. The information developed by a series of pro forma provide a sort of estimate on inventory, payables, receivables as well as what would be required for profit and borrowing. A projected financial statement provides a kind of advantage in any of the companies listed above as it gives the firm an insight on operations. A pro forma would help guide companies in deciding how to best operate and succeed. When starting a brand new company a financial forecast is essential. A financial forecast would help a brand new company decide on how much inventory would be needed, cost of start up and production, and how much capital is needed. Obtaining a financial forecast would also help guide a brand new company on how much profit the company can make, whether a bank loan would be needed to start up and how many individuals can be hired. Family-owned companies need financial forecast just as much as a brand new company. A family-owned company would need a financial forecast for obtaining information from the simplest of things like how much inventory is in stock, profit sharing, expected expenses and profit for the future. A family-owned company would need a financial forecast to also make good decisions on continuing a successful business, which department needs revamped or tweaked. It is essential for a family-owned company to obtain a financial forecast to also estimate whether sales income would be enough to cover expenses and whether cutbacks need to be made.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Components in Milk and Isolation of Milk Protein (Casein)

Components in Milk and Isolation of Milk Protein (Casein) Contents 1.1Â  Introduction 1.2Â  Objective 1.3Â  Materials used 1.4Â  Methodology 1.5Â  Result 1.6Â  Discussion 1.7Â  Conclution Referance 1.1Introduction Milk is a complex biological fluid with high amount of proteins, lipid and minerals. Milk plays a major role in a healthy, balanced diet throughout lifetime. Milk having Proteins, Vitamins, carbohydrates and other minerals.Caseins, lactalbumins, and lactoglobulins are some proteins in milk. Milk from domesticated ruminants, primarily cow, sheep, goat, camel and buffalo, are major sources of dietary calcium and, in countries where commercially available milk is fortified, of dietary vitamin D (Clemens et al., 2014). Casein is a sort of protein found in dairy items, for example, milk, yogurt, chocolate, ice-cream and foods. Casein protein, whether it originates from sustenance or from a supplement, could be a valuable addition to diet with a few benefits. Casin helps to digest food fast ,it can take 7h to digest (Samuels, 2014) Milk holds 3.3% total protein. Milk proteins hold each of the 9 essencial amino acids needed by humans. Milk proteins are blended in the mammary organ, however 60% of the amino acids used to manufacture the proteins are from the cows eating diet. (, 2014) The total protein part of milk is made out of various particular proteins. The essential gathering of milk protein is casein. the distinctive caseins are different atoms but are comparable in structure. All different proteins are found in milk. (Walter and Hurley, 2014) Caseins got proper amino acid composition that is critical for development and improvement of the nursing youngs. (Walter and Hurley, 2014) A protein is an unbranched polymer in which the monomer units are amino acids. All the more particularly a protein is a peptide less than 50 amino acids are available. Proteins arranged into two: fibrous and globular.fibrous proteins are proteins which peptide chains are organized in long strands or sheets. Globular proteins will be proteins that have a tendency to overlap again on themselves into compact spheroidal shaped. Globular proteins dont form inter molecular between protein units and are all the more effectively solubalized in water . Because that they hold all the amino acids key for building blood and tissue, and can manage life and normal growth . Milk holds three proteins that are caseins, lactalbumins, and lactoglobulins (spurlock,2014) 1.2 Objective To Understand and isolation the components which are present in milk and isolation of milk protein (Casein). 1.3 Materials used Albumin solution Solid ammonium sulphate Ethanol Sulphur salicylic acid Trichloroacetic acid Lead acetate solution 1% Acetic acid Milk powder Filter cloth Ether Test tubes Beakers Funnel Bunsen burner Test tube holder Electric balance Watch glass 1.4 Methodology Protein precipitation Precipitation by salt Half saturation with ammonium sulphate To 3ml of albumin added equal volume of ammonium sulphate solution. Mixed and allowed to standed for 5min. filtered and performed the Biuret test with the filtrate Full saturation with ammonium sulphate To 3ml of albumin added solid ammonium sulphate with mixed until the solution is saturated and stand for 5min. filtered and performed the Biuret test with the filtrate. Isoelectric precipitation To 3ml of casein added 3 drops of bromocresol green indicator. Added 1% acetic acid drop by until a green color is obtained which indicates that the pH is closed to4.6 Precipitation by organic solvents To 2ml of albumin was added with 4ml of ethanol. Mixed and let it stand. And observed the reaction Precipitation by acidic agents Albumin 1ml was added an equal volume of picric acid solution. Observed the3 formation of thick precipitate. repeated the test with trichloroacetic acid and sulphosalicylic acid. Precipitation by heavy metal ions To 1ml of albumin, added to 10 drops of lead acetate solution. Observed the formation of precipitate. Repeated the test with lead nitrate solution Precipitation of heat and Acid Took 10ml of albumin to the test tube, hold the test tube over a flame in slant position and boiled the upper part of the solution .A cloudy white precipitate will be observed in the heated portion. Added a few drops of 1% acetic acid . coagulation was take place and albumin is precipitated. Isolation of casein from milk Milk powder of 17.5g was taken into a beaker. 62.5ml of warmed water at 450C was boiled by using Bunsen burner and added into the beaker which is containing milk powder. The milk powder was well stirred. 10% of acetic acid was added drop wise into milk powder solution and stirred well until the solution changes from milky to pale yellow. Then the solution was filleted well and taken into a beaker, and 15ml of ethanol was added to the filtered casein, it was kept for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the casein with ethanol was filtered and dried well by using filter paper and tissue papers. The well dried casein was weighted and weight was recorded 1.5 Results Test Observation Inference Ppt by Heat/acid When heating there was a ppt form after adding acetic acid the ppt diffused. There fore these methods can be used for the ppt protein Ppt by heavy metal ions White ppt was formed when lead nintrate was added By the addition of heavy metals protein can be ppt Ppt by acidic agents A thick ppt was formed Positive,there fore via this method protein can be ppt Ppt by organic solvents White ppt was formed Positive, then using organic solvent protein can be ppt Full saturation with NH4SO4 White ppt formed 1.6 Discussion The casein isolation, Kept temperature 45 degrees for avoid excess heat and dilute acetic acid was added as drop by drop. It is important that the heating not be excessive because this conditions hydrolyze the lactose into its components, glucose and galactose before its isolation Adding of Calcium carbonate to the original beaker containing the liquid, neutralized the excess acetic acid and precipitated the initially soluble protein, albumin. This step ensures the liquid contains only the lactose and albumin was poured away from the lactose(, 2014) Casein is not properly dry All of the calculations were done 1.7 Conclution Obtained casein after isolation; 12.25g %yield = (12.25/17)x100 = 72% Caseins have an appropriate amino composition, it’s important for the growth of young.This protein in dairy many pepole allergic to milk, but trully they allergic to the components that milk contains: the casein and the lactose. Evacuation of these items especially the casein permits people with hypersensitivities to endure milk. The information is totally useful for peoples who can`t eat immoderately milk (Leonce, 2014) References Chemistry.mcmaster, (2014) Chem2O06 1997/98 Experiment 11.[Online]. 2014. Available at: (Accessed: 15 July 2014). Clemens, R., Hernell, O, and Michaelsen, K. (2014) Milk and Milk Products in Human Nutrition.[Online]. 2014. Available at: (Accessed: 14 July 2014). Leonce, D. (2014) Biochemistry Practicals.[Online]. 2014. Available at: (Accessed: 15 July 2014)., (2014) Milk Protein |[Online]. 2014. Available at: Composition/Protein.htm. (Accessed: 14 July 2014). Samuels, M. (2014) Casein Protein Benefits | LIVESTRONG.COM.[Online]. 2014. LIVESTRONG.COM. Available at: (Accessed: 14 July 2014). Spurlock, d. (2014) Isolation and Identification of Casein From Milk Course Notes. [Online]. 2014. Available at: (Accessed: 14 July 2014). Walter, L. and Hurley, (2014) Milk Composition Proteins. [Online]. 2014. Available at: (Accessed: 14 July 2014). Qualification Higher National Diploma in Biotechnology Level 05 Module Name Protein precipitation and casein from milk Module Number 2 Name of Candidate S.Mayurathan Submission Date 15 July 2014 Word Count 1056

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Battle Of Algiers Film Review Film Studies Essay

The Battle Of Algiers Film Review Film Studies Essay A film is a piece of art that aims to entertain as well educate. It is a popular kind of entertainment that is created by a certain culture, and may affect another one. There are various genres of films, with each having its own aim and characteristic. For instance, historical movies (films) are designed to tell about history, comedy ones are to amuse and provoke laughter and so on. Films are always pregnant with meanings and messages that the audience has to depict while enjoying the scenes and following the course of the story. The Battle of Algiers is a worldwide famous film that was banned by France because of the ideas and reality it transmits to the world about the guerilla war that took place in Algeria and led to the destruction of a whole population while seeking their freedom. The film describes the events from two different points of view and aims to convey a lesson at the end. Credits The Battle of Algiers is a war film which is a recreation of the events that happened in the capital city of Algeria between 1954 and 1962 during the Algerian War of Independence. The film won the Golden Lion Award from the Venice International Film Festival in 1966, the International Film Critics Award also in 1966, and the United Nations Award from the British Academy of Film and Television in 1971. It was directed by Gillo Pontecorvo who was a member of the Italian Communist Party at the time and was implicitly on the side of the independence movement. He was nominated as Best Director for the movie in 1966 from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science. The film was inspired by Souvenirs de la Bataille dAlger which Saadi Yacef, who was a leader of the FLN (Front de Liberation National), wrote in prison. The screenplay, which was written by Gillo Pontecorvo and Franco Solinas and was nominated as Best Original Screenplay in 1966 from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci ence, describes the sufferings of both sides: the Algerians and the French both civilians and military. The movie was filmed in black-and-white and the casting took place in the actual locations of the struggle which made the scenes appear as if they were recorded the time they were happening and not a recreation of a bloody war which ended a long history of colonization in Algeria. To stress his neutrality vis-à  -vis the two parts of the struggle, Pontecorvo tried to create parallels between the scenes of both French and Algerian people being assassinated and killed by using the same tragic music. However, he made a difference between the French and Algerian approaches to the war by using different sounds to symbolize each groups approach: the sound of gunfire, helicopters and truck engines for the French, and the bomb blasts, ululation, wailing and chanting for the Algerians. Pontecorvo uses non-professional actors for the movie, maybe because he wants the events and the screenplay to be sought for their importance and not only for the sake of the famous actors involved. So, he chose Brahim Haggiag, an Algerian, to play the role of Ali la Pointe. His adversary, Colonel Mathieu, was acted by Jean Martin, the only professional in the film, who was an actor, mainly acting in theater (in Waiting for Godot), and have been member of the French paratroopers in Indochina. Besides, Saadi Yacef, the former FLN leader, played the role of Jaafar, another FLN leader. Plot The film is shot in flashback and it is shown as the memories of Ali la Pointe (played by Brahim Haggiag) who was a leading member of the FLN. The film opens with scene in which the French paratroopers arrests Ali and he starts remembering the events that occurred 3 years earlier when he joined the FLN. The film describes the atrocities from which the French and the Algerians suffered. It traces the resistance of the Algerians (mainly the FLN members) to free their country from the colonizers as well as the French measures taken to stop them and remain in Algeria. When Alis memories are over, he and the other remaining FLN members are killed. However, the elimination of the FLN does not stop the resistance but rather turns it to a nationwide one asking for an independent Algeria which is finally achieved in 1962 with the Declaration of the Independence of Algeria. Characters The main actors of the movie are the persons who were involved in the real-life experience, which made the film appear like a documentary rather than a recreation of events. Saadi Yacef, who was a leader of the FLN and was put in Jail by the French, acted in the movie as an FLN leader also under the name of Jaffari. The bombing in the cafà ©s and French agencies or the assassination of either French or Algerians are in fact a recreation of what Yacef lived. Even when he was arrested by the French in the Casbah, he is acting his own arrest. The other member of the FLN is Ali la Pointe which was played by Brahim Haggiag. Ali was a thief who was arrested and put in prison where he witnessed the executions of Algerians. Once he was released, he became a member of the FLN but he was first tested to make sure that he was not a spy (he was asked to kill a French policeman). Even if Brahim Haggiag was not, in reality, an FLN leader; he lived at the time of the struggle for liberation and witnessed, and may have participated as an Algerian, in the resistance against colonialism. He can be seen as the representative of all Algerian young people who were ready to sacrifice themselves to ensure their peoples freedom. The third major character of this film is Colonel Mathieu, played by Jean Martin. He represents the efficiency and seriousness of the French military. He came from France to ensure stability in Algeria when the FLN members became threatening the French existence in Algeria. He is very influential and follows strategic method of fighting the enemy instead of just spontaneous violence. He has a strong personality and can at any time change the course of events once he feels that its not in his benefit. For example, when an FLN a leader is captured and a press conference is held, he stops the conversation as soon as he feels that the enemys words started to influence the audience. Besides, when answering a journalists question, he said openly that if they want France to stay in Algeria, they must accept the consequences. Other important characters in this film are women. Unlike what is usually known, that war is reserved for men, the battle of Algiers involved both men and women who fought side by side to reach their goal. Women serve as a secret bunker for weapons and guns as they are the only ones who are exempt from inspection, and hence, they can carry them in their bags. A most striking scene in the movie is when three FLN women drop their veils and assume a French look to be able to enter a French cafà ©, nigh club and travel agency to plant explosives and create an alert situation among the French. So, women were a vital part of the FLN and fought with men to ensure freedom. One last character to mention is Omar, the small boy whose duty was mainly to transmit letters and serve as a messenger between the FLN members and which represents the Algerian children who participated in the resistance and who proved to be older than their ages. Thus, the Algerian society, with all its components, was mobilized against the common enemy which was the French colonialism. Conclusion In the Battle of Algiers, Pontecorvo shows the inevitability of violence. In other words, every part wants to be the winner and hence tries to be the last one to inflict the other: an execution of an FLN leader led to the assassination of many French policemen, which led to the French bombing the Casbah which led to the FLN women bombing the French sites (cafà ©s and offices). The film clarifies history and tells us that we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over even today. This film is pregnant of messages. On the on hand, it tells us that violence can lead only to violence and not peace. On the other hand, it gives a moral lesson to the countries which try to interfere in other countries internal affairs and try to impose their own will. They will be losers no matters how long they manage to stay there. The Battle of Algiers is a film which is worth seeing since it tells us history as well as moral lessons on how we should respect others properties as well as struggle to preserve ones own belonging.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Html and How it Works :: Essays Papers

Html and How it Works There are almost 300,000 Aborigines in Australia. About 34,500 live in Sydney. There is debate about when Aborigines migrated to Australia from Papua New Guinea and the Indonesian archipelago. There is evidence of occupation about 50,000 to 60,000 years ago. The earliest archaeological evidence of Aboriginal occupation of the Sydney area is 15,000 years ago at Emu Plains in Sydney's west. Captain Cook guessed that the population of Aborigines for all of Australia would have been about 150,000. Recent estimates are that the Aboriginal population was about 750,000 in 1788. Governor Phillip guessed that there were no more that 1500 Aborigines living in the Sydney area. The first official census of Aborigines did not take place until 1971. Aboriginal people throughout the Sydney area identified themselves more strongly as members of smaller clans or bands. There were an estimated 29 different bands liming in the Sydney area, and between seven and eleven based near the shares of Sydney Harbour and the nearby coast. Each band had approximately fifty members. The general collection of beliefs is known as the Dreaming. The Dreaming not only explains the past and how the present came to be, but also prescribes codes of conduct for important events. When Arthur Phillip was given his instructions from the British government before the First Fleet sailed, he was not instructed to negotiate or enter into treaties with the Aborigines for the use of purchase of land. To Europeans, possession or title to land depended on working or cultivating it. Cook had observed on his journey on the Endeavour that Aborigines did not work or improve the land, so that it was terra nullius, and therefore able to be claimed by the British government. The official instructions from the King, however, ordered Phillip to treat the Aborigines in a conciliatory fashion and that any wrongdoing towards them was to be punished. The critical difference between European and Aboriginal notions of land possession and ownership was that, for the Aborigines, there was no conception of the right of an individual to hold property to the exclusion of everyone else. For the colonists, there was no conception of anything else. Aborigines were closely connected to the land, but in a wider and more collective sense, not in the personal legalistic manner land was possessed in European society. From the outset, the stage was set for a fundamental and irreconcilable clash between cultures, which would soon impoverish the lives of Australia's indigenous people.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay example --

Topic: I am studying about heritage languages and bilingualism because I want to find out how one’s language shapes his or her identity in an increasingly globalized society in order to understand why there is still a fear among many immigrants and their descendants of teaching their children their heritage language. Based on the science and research done on bilingualism, learning a heritage or second language while growing up has minimal to no adverse affects on language development and social class. Rather, language presents an opportunity to elevate one’s culture, personality, and identity. For America, heritage and second language education is vital to sustaining its worldwide influence as the world becomes more globalized. Coca-Cola. â€Å"Coca-Cola – It’s Beautiful – Official :60.† YouTube. YouTube, 2 February 2014. Web. 2 February 2014. The main claim of this Coca-Cola commercial is that every American, regardless of ethnicity, religion, and sexuality, enjoys drinking Coca-Cola and so the audience should as well. The sub-claim here is that America is a nation consisting of diverse individuals with backgrounds stemming from around the world. The grounds for this sub-claim are the various scenes in which a variety of Americans are depicted enjoying the freedoms of America with â€Å"America the Beautiful† being sung in multiple languages in the background. This Coca-Cola commercial appeals to the pathos of the American audience with the incorporation of the iconic, patriotic song and the breadth of minorities represented in the video. The multilingual singing of the song had to be a deliberate choice since Coca-Cola could have very easily shown the same clips of the diverse Americans with the English version. This implies that Coca-Co... ... child’s life may simply lead to greater psychological difficulties because of the child’s overwhelming feeling of abandonment. I intend to juxtapose these two pieces in my paper. De Houwer’s article coincides the most with Landau’s in that both agree bilingualism does not create any significant child development issues and that the benefits outweigh the costs. The language used in this article is intended for a general audience, which can promote discussions and questions. As for the credibility of de Houwer, she is currently Professor of Language Acquisition and Language Teaching at the University of Erfurt in Germany, and she is heavily involved with multiple linguistics organizations. At the time of this article’s writing, she taught at the University of Antwerp and Science Foundation of Flanders, Belgium. Therefore, this is clearly a scholarly, credible source.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

American Government Exit-polls

As per exit polls in Texas are concerned, there were some interesting results that are worth noting regarding the trend of voting. The Democrat beat the Republicans by a substantial margin of close to one million votes with McCain garnering 4, 479, 328 or 55% and Obama 3, 528, 633 or 44%. The voting in terms of age Exit polls in Texas for President showed that of the 47% male voters, Obama got 39% while McCain had 59%, and of the 53% female voters Obama had 47% while McCain got 52%. What was interesting in this exit poll result was the trend in voting by age.Texas exit poll revealed that among ages 18-29 comprising 16% of the total votes, Obama earned 54% votes and McCain 45%. Among ages 30-44 (31% of the total votes), Obama had 46% and McCain 52%. Of ages 45-64 (39% of the total votes), Obama got 41% While McCain earned 58%. Finally at 65 and older (14%) Obama had a lowest 32% votes while McCain got a high 66% of the total votes from this age group. The exit polls in Texas reveal im portant things. 1. That most men in general in this state favored and voted for McCain giving him 59% over Obama with only 39%.2. That, women in general in this state only slightly favoring McCain giving him a slight edge over Obama at 52% compared to 47%. 3. Among voters ages 18-29 comprising 16% of the total votes, Obama gets the upper hand with 54% compared to McCain’s 45 % 4. But among ages 30-44 which comprised 54%, McCain was the stronger candidate. 5. The trend in the voting by age shows that McCain was the top choice among the older voters. Ages 45-64 comprising 39% shows McCain widening his lead over Obama at 58% to 41% 6.Exit poll among ages 65 and older shows Obama further down at 32% compared to McCain’s 66%. 7. That this voting trend favored McCain considering the age bracket of the voters getting older. 8. That obviously this voting trend in the age bracket point to the direction of racial prejudice. 9. The younger generation was more open to accept socie tal change through conventional leadership styles. 10. That voting by race reveals that voters in Texas votes based on racial preferences. II. A Letter to the PresidentDear Mr. President: In view of the exit polls in Texas, apparently younger generations voted for you in view of their being open mindedness on the issues affecting our society. However, the same exit poll reveals that Texas voters in general are partisan voters voting merely based on racial preference. I therefore urge that you give particular attention on this observation by showing considerable fairness among the people of Texas despite you loss by a margin of almost a million votes for future reference.I hope for your favorable response on the matter by paying a visit and extend the atmosphere of reconciliation. Sincerely: III. Question on the election trends I believed that the trends in the general election have changed dramatically from previous trends. The change that took place according to CREST (The Centre f or Research into Elections and Social Trends) has to do with voters’ attitude that influenced their preferences for the kind of leaders they wanted for their country.In that report, voters chose the leader/s, who could deal with personal issues such as healthcare, economy, social security, gas prices, war in Iraq, political corruption lobbyist, terrorism, taxes, immigration, and environment (Hardy). The voting attitude was greatly influenced by the current issues that affected their country. The new trend I believe will pass on history and will be seen in future presidential elections especially if Obama proves himself as the right president who could correct the inaccuracies in the society.This period is very crucial in the history of the United States and while the new trend in USA election brings remedy to their crisis, the trend will become the basis in choosing government leaders. Reference Hardy, F. W. (9 Jan 2008). Election Issues Excel in America: National Issues Shin e in New Hampshire Presidential Primaries. Suite101. com. http://us-elections. suite101. com/article. cfm/election_issues_excel_in_america President Texas. ElectionCenter2008. CNN Politics. com. http://edition. cnn. com/ELECTION/2008/results/individual/#TXP00

Monday, September 16, 2019

Does the No Child Left Behind Act Meets its Objectives? Essay

Introduction to the Study Signed into law by President George W. Bush last January 8, 2002, the ‘No Child Left Behind Act’ or ‘NCLB act’ has been the latest and is considered as the most momentous and major initiative in the Federal education policy. It is a revision of the former ‘Elementary and Secondary Education Act’ more notably known as the ‘ESEA’ passed on 1965. The law’s enactment is based upon the general purpose of ensuring that every child studying in America’s public schools will be able to reach the standards of learning set upon and common to wherever state the child resides. The primary goals of this act aside from reaching high quality of education is to excel primarily in reading proficiency and mathematical skills by the end of 2013-2014. Specifically, it intends to increase reading comprehension and proficiency of all third grade students by the same year.   It also wishes to improve the proficiency of all limited English speakers. The act also requires that by the year 2005 to 2006, all teachers in the United States Public schools shall be highly qualified. This means that all teachers shall pass the minimum qualifications set by the act which includes, ’a bachelor’s degree, a full state certification and demonstration of subject-matter competency for each subject taught and a report of the teacher’s progress in the annual report cards’ (Paige, 3). This paper intends to dwell into the objectives set by the act and to look deeply on its effectiveness, perceived flaws and possible reforms. In its six year of existence, the law has generated both praise and criticism from the general public. The efficiency of the act has since been debated. Its effectiveness is questioned mainly due to the lack of budget and resources, poor implementation and manipulation of results. The NCLB looks forward in helping the different States in strengthening the reading programs from grades 3 to 8, creating charter schools, establishing before and/or after school programs, developing professional and high quality education through teacher’s preparedness and parental participation. For the states to receive federal funding they are required by the NCLB Act to create ways of assessing the basic skills of students in certain grades. With this regard, the standards of education is not set by the national government or authority, instead, it is based upon individual criteria of each states. Statement of the Problem As of the moment there are several controversies surrounding the effectiveness of the NCLB act even after studies and results of research shows an increase in reading proficiency and mathematical skills of the students in American public schools. The main objective of this research project is to try to understand if the NCLB act is meeting its goals. Background of the problem It is believed that in the six years since the enactment of the NCLB act it has so far produces problems on the issues on education rather than resolves them. The act is a ‘federal effort to support the primary and secondary education in the United States (Paige, 1).’ Fundamentally, it is outlined to accommodate the ‘four-common-sense pillars: accountability for results, an emphasis on doing what works based on scientific research, expanded parental options and expanded local control and accountability (Paige, 1).’ The act is funded upon the participation of the States on the program, this ought to reflect that the standards are set and enforced effectively. It is believed that by so doing, the States would enforce and tighten their standards to achieve the desired goals of the act. Those who cannot comply with the standards would need to undergo a ‘scientifically based research’ that will aim on ‘developing a plan to turn around school (Paige, 2)’. The school that will be consider as ‘in need of improvement’ will have to ‘spend at least ten percent of their Title 1 funds to assist teachers (Paige, 2).’ Since the act provides a system of rewards and punishments for participating schools and states, issues’ regarding test scores manipulation has challenge the validity of practicing and participating in the act in general. To be able to determine the proficiency and skills of the students the States needs to give them a standardized exam. Given that the test is made by each State, there is a possibility that they will lower the standard of their test to be able to meet the standards set by the act. Another important issue that is being voiced by a majority of critics involves the focus in achieving basic and technical skills mainly in Mathematics and English language. This might affect the ability of the child to explore other areas of education. Also, since the test is standardized in States, there is a problem regarding the skills and abilities of local natives. People have different talents. People vary in their ability to adapt and to learn. Forcing a specific education to the majority of the people will logically result to a cut back in other areas of education, skills and abilities. Although, Mathematics and English are very important skills, there are things that are being sacrificed because of the narrowing down of the curriculum. Theoretical Basis for the Study The theoretical basis for this study will be grounded in the law and the learning theory. So far, the federal law has found that the NCLB act, as most statesman claims is not fully funded. As mentioned by the American Federation of Teachers or AFT, ‘the promise to fund NCLB remains unfulfilled. This shortfall has undercut the efforts of states, districts and schools at a time when they are working to meet new, rigorous requirements for students and teachers (’ Learning theorist such as that of Skinner seems to be the framework that shall be used to follow the NCLB program. Skinner believes that pleasant experiences cause positive behavior while punishments are effective negative reinforces. Nonetheless, this type of learning theory has long been debunk and is not an effective means to teach students. As Roxanne Everhard mentions in a formal paper: Like many K-12 classroom teachers who try to use the constructivism approach to teaching, I do my best to provide an atmosphere where students are able to explore and integrate knowledge into their own prior experiences. Constructivism is a learning theory that is more inclined on a facilitator-based learning. This learning theory tries to show that there are times when test results do not necessarily reflect the capability and achievements of students. In this view, one can asses, that the NCLB may indeed create a narrowing of curriculum, it might even hinder some students from achieving their full potentials. Research Questions What are the objectives of the No Child Left Behind Act? What are the effects and implications of the said act on the overall quality of education in the United States? What are the necessary changes and/or revisions that need to be done? What are the general effects, negative and positive, of the NCLB to the students so far? Limitations Limitations are foreseen upon the national data and statistics that is needed to show that there are indeed a decreasing pattern in the quality education of the American population. However, this will not greatly affect the research since, there are enough internet access and literature on the data of drop outs or push out of students starting 2002 in public schools in order to attain or meet the NCLB standards. Some states might have available data regarding health problems or issues regarding the effects of NCLB on the student, however, some states do not. Research Design/Procedure Descriptive Research: Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically the facts and characteristics of a given population or area of interest, factually and accurately. Descriptive research is used in the literal sense of describing situations or events; its data base is solely descriptive. The researcher makes a systematic analysis and description of the facts and characteristics of a given population or event of interest. The purpose of this form of research is to provide a detailed and accurate picture of the phenomenon as a means of generating hypotheses and pinpointing areas of needed improvements. (Person, 2008) It does not necessarily seek or explain relationships, test hypotheses or make predictions. Population This includes the number of students enrolled in public schools from the year 2002 to 2008. It shall also include the number of drop outs, discharged or push out students. Definition of Terms The No Child Left behind Policy as defined by the U.S. Department of Education is a landmark in education reform designed to improve student achievement and close achievement gaps. Push outs are students who are push out of school and referred to another school in order to achieve the set standards by the NCLB Act. Scientifically based research, is a methodological research base on research which determines what programs are effective and what are not. This is contrary to qualitative research which uses anecdotes, surveys and case studies. Narrow Curriculum means that there are subject areas that are being left behind in favor of a more rigid program that includes only a few subjects. Organization of the Study Chapter two will present a review of related literature which includes the claims and articles in favor and not in favor of the NCLB Act. The next chapter will then specify the methods of research and the appropriate designs and procedures in researching for this study. The fourth chapter is basically presentation of findings from analysis of the given data regarding the methods and deficiency in meeting the objectives of the NCLB Act. The last chapter will give the conclusion and some remarks on the implication of the finding to the effectiveness of the ‘No Child Left Behind Act’. Works Cited American Federation of Teachers. NCLB—Let’s Get  It Right. Berliner, D.C. & Biddle, B.J. (2002). What Research Says About Unequal Funding for Schools in America. Education Policy Reports Project. Retrieved November 10, 2006, from ERIC database. Conway, Judith. (1997). Educational Technology’s Effect on Models of Instruction. Retrieved March 3, 2008, from Everhard, R. Formal Paper: Do effective learning theories have to be left behind in our quest to satisfy the requirements of NCLB’s technology component? 2003. Flesher, J. Education Secretary Says ‘No Child Left Behind’ Critics are Whiners. From Associated Press, June 3, 2004. Furger, R. NCLB: Law and Evolution. Edutopia Magazine. 2007. Gallagher, J.   J. No Child Left Behind and Gifted Education. Roper Review 26.3 .2004. Retrieved on March 3, 2008, from Holzberg, Carol S.No Child Left Behind: A Must Know Web Guide for Administrators. 2003. Technology and Learning, 2, pages 6-8.   Hyde, S. No Child Left Behind: A Review. Feb. 29, 2008. Retrieved on March 3, 2008, from McCracken, N. Surviving Shock and Awe: NCLB vs. Colleges of Education. From English Education, January 2004, pages 104-118. Mills, M. Educating Language-Minority Students. 2003. Mocilnikar, L. Gifted Children and NCLBNo Child Left Behind, Except the Gifted Ones. 2006. Retrieved on March 3, 2008, from National Center for Education Statistics. Dropouts’ rates in the United States: 2000. Retrieved on March 3, 2008. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: National Clearing House for Bilingual Education. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, conference report to accompany H.R. 1, report no. 107-334. 2001. National Center for Fair and Open Testing. Reality Teasting-NCLB. Retrieved on March 3, 2008, from New York State Education Department: Core Curriculum. Retrieved March 3, 2008. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: Nolet, V. and McLaughlin, M. J. Accessing The General Curriculum: Including Students with Disabilities. 2005 NEIRTEC. (n.d.). Technology Briefs for No Child Left Behind Planners. Retrieved November 26, 2003, from NYSUT News Wire. Rothstein: NCLB is ‘dead’. 2007. Retrieved on March 3, 2008, from Paige, T. No Child Left Behind: A Tool Kit for Teachers. Diane Publishing. 2004. Person. Lecture Notes. 2008. Peterson, P. No Child Left Behind? : The Politics and Practice of School Accountability. 2003. Robertson, J. Teachers Feeling ‘Extra Pressure’.† The Kansas City Star .2003. Stein, S. The Culture Of Education Policy. 2004. Spring, J. Political Agendas For Education: From The Religious Right To The Green Party. 3rd Ed. Routledge. United State Department of Education. Four Pillars of No Child Left Behind. Retrieved March 3, 2008 from, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Closing The Achievement Gap: The Impact Of Standards-Based Education Reform on Students. Performance.   Diane Publishing. 2004. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, No Child   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Left Behind: A Desktop Reference, Washington, D.C., 2002.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved March 3, 2008, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Wilson, M. NCLB: Taylor-Made for De-Skilling Teachers. Retrieved on March 3, 2008. Retrieved from Woods, B. Book Review: Perspectives on the Mistreatment of American Educators: Throwing Water on a Drowning Man  by Norman Dale Norris. Retrieved on March 3, 2008, from Wright, P., Wright, P. and Heath, S. Wrightslaw: No Child Left Behind. 2006.   

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Definition of Data Warehousing Essay

Search any resource (Books, Web Sites, Papers, etc.) to find three definitions for Data Warehousing. Include the detailed information (Title, authors and the source of the definitions. For example: â€Å"Data warehousing is a collection of decision support technologies, aimed at enabling the knowledge worker (executive, manager, analyst) to make better and faster decisions.† An overview of data warehousing and OLAP technology by S Chaudhuri, U Dayal, from ACM Sigmod record, Volume 26 , Issue 1 (March 1997) Pages: 65 – 74. 1. â€Å"A data warehouse is an integrated and time varying collection of data derived from operational data and primarily used in strategic decision making by means of online analytical processing (OLAP) techniques.† from â€Å"Conceptual data warehouse design† by B. Husemann, J. Lichtenberger, and G. Vossen. Page 1. 2. â€Å"A galactic data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process about any and all enterprise business processes and departments, and about the enterprise taken as a whole. A business process-oriented data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process about any and all business processes and their interactions with one another and the external world. A department-oriented data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process about any and all departments, and their interactions with one another and with the external world.† From DKMS Brief No. Six: Data Warehouses, Data Marts, and Data Warehousing: New Definitions and New Conceptions by Joseph M.Firestone. 3. â€Å"Physically, a data warehouse system consists of databases (source databases, materialized views in the data warehouse), data transport agents that ship data from one database to another, and a repository which stores meta data about the system and its evolution.† From Architecture and Quality in Data warehouses: An Extended Repository Approach by M. Jarke, M. A. Jeusfeld, C. Quix, and P. Vassiliadis. Provide a brief summary to compare the three definitions that you’ve found. Tell me which one is your favorite and why? The first definition explains the components of a data warehouse and also its functionality in a general way. The second definition explains the function of a data warehouse and its components specific to each kind of a data warehouse like decision making with respect to a business module. The third definition explains the components of a data warehouse but does not specify the functionality of a data warehouse. I prefer the second definition over the other two definitions.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Project Management Essay

Due to the rapid changes in the working world and the business environment, organizations have been forced to transform as a way of surviving in the ever-changing business environment. According to Gardiner (2005), most organizations Have adopted projects as their means of implementing change within the organization. The adoption of a project oriented a approach, with its associated management framework, is sufficient to ensure greater success in the implementation of change within an organization. While use of best practices in project management may not guarantee success in the change of an organization, the presence of projects increases the opportunity for success. Studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tools for implementing change within the organization. The Concept on Project Management Project management refers to the discipline managing, planning and organizing resources to achieve successful completion of specific project objectives and goals. A project is in nature a finite endeavor, that specifies the date as to when it should begin, and the time when it should end, this is done in order to create a unique service or product that brings about added value, or beneficial change in a company. The finite character of the project is different from operations or processes of an organization, some of which may be permanent or functional work, that are used to repeated operations, with the aim of producing similar goods or services. Management of the two systems is always complex and difficult. There is therefore need to employ distinct technical skills and adopt separate philosophy of management, that would enable the implementation of the best project that can bring beneficial returns to the company. messages. Application of Project Management in Organizational Change According to Gray & Larson (2006), in the regime where implementation for change is the motto for most organizations, projects are the best vehicles for implementing change. The aspect of project management has in fact become more significant than ever. In any company that needs to change its organizational structure so as to change with the improving technology, or in order to meet the needs and wants of the consumers, projects are used as the vehicles for implementing the required change, and managing the related change. It is however important to possess the ability to sustain and build project management in order to succeed in the implementation of change. The importance of project management has been illustrated by the efforts of Swiss Re organization by using all its business operations to meet the requirements of e-business. Projects were used as the main vehicles for implementing this change. Great concern has however been expressed in the way most projects once began fail to deliver, or get stopped while they are underway. According to a research carried out by Levine (2005), most of the Information technology projects implemented were discouraging with 90% of the projects being late to deliver change in the organizations. It has been shown that, 50% of the projects are never completed at the right time, while 30% of the projects began are stopped while still underway. Project management allows the implementation of change in an organization in a more organized manner likely to realize success. The major challenge of any form of project management is to attain the objectives and goals put in place, while at the same time adhering to project constraints which are usually in the form of time factor, budget and scope. The more ambitious and secondary challenge is the optimization of integration and allocation of inputs that may be necessary to meet the goals and objectives. The success of a project management is associated with the nature the project itself. Projects involve most of the key players in an organization, both the managers and the workers at the lowest level. Projects also involve the entire organizational participation. For instance, it involves people, money, provisions, motivation, communication and space, in order to achieve the project objectives and goals. With the contribution of all these elements, an organization is able to identify and make use of the best resources as a means of attaining the best results. Gray & Larson (2006), have emphasized that the managers can easily identify the talented workers and most potential factors in the organization, and allocate them where they can give a maximum contribution towards the achievement of the company. Management of a project is often the key responsibility and province of a specific individual project manager. The manager however does not participate directly, but instead strives to maintain progress and motivate other factors involved in the process, so as to achieve the objectives. The aim of the project manager also involves striving to achieve productive mutual interaction of the active parties, in a way that the entire risk of failure is reduced. Studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tool for implementing change within the organization. The project manager should be well equipped with the vision and mission of the organization, so as to direct the process of the project in the right direction, failure to which the project may fail to deliver, be late to achieve its goals, or get stopped while underway due to discouragements. The project manager represents the interests of clients and has to implement, as well as determine the specific needs and requirements of the clients, based on the understanding of the organization they are representing. Gray & Larson (2006), have expressed that the capability to adopt the available internal systems of the contracting organization, and to establish close links among the nominated representatives, is an important step to ensure that the major issues of quality, time, and cost among others are attained with the main aim of client satisfaction. A successful and focused manager should be in a position to envision the whole project from the beginning to the end, and should have the skills and ability to ensure that the vision is realized in order to achieve successful change within an organization. In order to attain successful change by use of a project, there is need for the project manager to consider the three key factors that include human resources, time and finance. If an organization is in need of achieving change in the shortest time possible, there is need to employ more people and resources towards the problem. Though this may increase the cost of the project, it may be the best way of achieving an organizational change in the shortest time possible. Doing the task quicker in fact helps to reduce the cost of the project, the organization may end up spending the same amount it may have spent if it was to carry the same project in a prolonged period. Researchers have established that, there is no single way of implementing a project within an organization due to the fact that each each enterprise is unique, has different characteristics, and different financial capability. It is therefore important for the project managers to consider the features that are appropriate and important within any organization. Consideration of the important factors guide the project managers to come up with appropriate and accurate projects that can easily realize the vision of a specific organization. Cultural Factors Considered in the Implementation of project Management According to Dye & Pennypacker (1999), some of the important cultural organizational factors considered while implementing a project include the history of the previous enterprise implementations, record of failures or success of the company is looked into, as this provides an insight into what should be done to achieve success in the project. A consideration is also done on the types of operational work and projects to be managed, organizations that are able to clearly prioritize and identify their projects end up with rigorous features of a project from the initial stages to the end, unlike organizations that do not identify and prioritize their projects at the first stages of implementation. The number of departments involved within the organization are also considered. This directs the planners to consider if the project is meant to satisfy a small number of users, or whether the project should expand in the process, if other departments will be incorporate as time goes by, or whether all the departments will be involved from the begging, thus requiring the project to satisfy a large number of users from the on-set stage. The expectation and support of the senior leadership is considered as a very important factor, because their involvement drive acceptance, and appropriate expectation. This is important for the success and realization of the changes expected within the organization. The value to the end user and management is absolutely important to ensure that the change implemented through the use of the project satisfy the needs and expectations of all parties involved in the process. According to Levine (2005), organizations also consider the maturity of the desired project management discipline. The 2007 project server is often used as it contains important features for managing projects. Where an organization is considering the application of project management for the first time, it is not easy to incorporate all the capabilities at the first instance. Studies have established that, staging the first features in project management implementation help to establish both the short term and long term changes effected in an organization. Any changes that are likely to take place are considered due to the fact that, if too much changes takes place, the chances of implementation reduce, with most of the people within the organization becoming resistant to the change. Resistant to change is one of the human characteristics. Critique of Project Management Approach Researchers have however established that there still exist discomfort in the use of projects. While project management is preferred as the most efficient way of implementing change within an organization, use of too many projects may fail to deliver the desired results. Researchers have asserted that, most projects in organizations fail to deliver due to the use of poor project management practices, whose importance has been ignored by managers over a long period of time (Balogun, & Hailey, 2004). Grundy, & Brown (2002), have argued that the approach of organizational management is not effective on its own in the field of information technology, because they assume that IT solutions are developed by a technical team. The potential solution for organizations dealing with IT has been stated to be misaligned with the important characteristics of an organization like incentives or culture. Combining the management of projects in IT and organizational change management as it has been argued, cannot produce the desired results for the organizational change. Conclusion From the above analysis, studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tool for implementing change within the organization. Senior managers spend a lot of efforts and time promoting and formulating their strategy, but most of the time, they realize very little changes within the organization. The strategy may not yield the results expected, somehow the original goals are dissipated in the process of moving the strategy to implement the change, and the initial momentum may be lost before the anticipated benefits are achieved. Failure to implement change occurs as a result of the senior management trying to make use of the the existing structures and systems within the organization, the status quo, to change the same status quo. The adoption of a project oriented a approach with its associated management framework, is sufficient to ensure greater success in the implementation of change within an organization.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Church and State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Church and State - Essay Example It guarantees that individuals have freedom of religious expression and practice and the government will not recognize any one faith as more valid than others or will not promote religion over secularism. More and more clarifications were added as and when cases of use of public property for displaying religious objects or use of public places to promote religious idea started coming in. In Lynch V. Donnelly Case : No. 82-1256 (1983-1984) (Hirsley 1991), there was a dispute on use of religious symbols in public places. The City of Pawtucket RI erected a Christmas display as part of its celebration during Christmas festival. The display included a 'creche' that consisted of tradition figures of Infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The district court found it against the First Amendment and ordered its removal but in the landmark judgment by Supreme Court, they held that in spite of its religious significance the City of Pawtucket did not violate the Establishment clause and allowed the crche to remain on display. It observed that an absolute separation is not possible between Government and religion. In another important case: Engel v. Vitale, 370 US 421 (1962), there was a dispute over the rendering of religious prayers in schools. A group of parents challenged the prayer as "contrary to the beliefs, religions, or religious practices of both themselves and their children." The state's highest court upheld the use of the prayer, on the grounds that state law did not force any student to join in the prayer over a parent's objections. But the Supreme Court found it against the spirit of Establishment clause. This again caused a lot of furor and led to many a debate in the society. In the same vein, the issue of congressional prayers also led to lot of discussions. There has been a long-standing practice of saying prayers before the start of legislative sessions in many states. For e.g. In Maine a clergy member suggested by the lawmaker leads the prayer. Most prayers are brief and ask for God's guidance. A 1983 U.S. Supreme Court decision found that legislative prayers do not violate the principle of separation of church and state. The court described the longstanding practice as a "tolerable acknowledgement of beliefs." In Conclusion, we can safely say that though Religion and State should be kept separate, it is not possible to have absolute separation and some connection between the two in inevitable. References: Daniel L. Dreisbach. Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State , New York University Press, 2003) " Everson v. Board of education", 1947 Hirsley, Michael. "Religious Display Needs Firm Court."Chicago Tribune, 20 December 1991. Kilman, J. & Costello, G. (Eds). (2000). The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation. List of United States Supreme Court Cases, Volume 370 "Lynch V. Donnelly", 1983 Thomas Jefferson: Writings: Autobiography / Notes on the State of Virginia /

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Labor Laws and Unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Labor Laws and Unions - Essay Example Several obstacles that this organization faces at times hamper its operations. These organizations link with the environment in various ways. Although this organization advocates on members behalf, workers interests occasionally comprise of an environment module (Harcourt & Wood 2). The critical environmental issue affecting the organization is ecological security. There is exposure of workers to multiple toxic chemicals while performing the jobs. The coal miners, for example, face a risk of acquiring lung disease due to inhaling coal dust. Therefore, the organization advocates for stern safety policies primarily for protecting employees from impairment caused by environmental hazards. In order to fix these problems faced by workers, the seniors should withdraw some of the local laws instituted at the work place in order to protect workers rights. There are several measures to minimize litigation in work places. Continuous communication with the employees is a prerequisite (Harcourt & Wood 8). The employees need awareness of daily activities of the organization. This helps to minimize misleading information. They need to be aware of termination dates in order to prevent shocking news pertaining to the loss of jobs. Moreover, employees’ relations need adequate handling, preferably according to their favor. Giving employees a time off is beneficial, as the organization eventually ends up with few aggressive employees, thus minimizing litigation. There are wide ranges of benefits that accrue to an organization after joining a union. Some of the benefits enjoyed by the members include improved wages, advanced health care, and a safe working environment (Harcourt & Wood 9). However, the main reason for joining unions is due to job security. A union contract comprises of extra rights enjoyed only by members. There is protection

Analyze the way that arts and crafts become a kind of war in the story Essay

Analyze the way that arts and crafts become a kind of war in the story of Arachne (The source for this paper is Book V ofOvid. I am attaching it below) - Essay Example My aim in this paper is to study the classical tale of the legendary weaver and derive lesson from the research. To fulfill this aim, I have divided the study in to six sections. I start this study by presenting an overview or background of this classical mythological tale, followed by describing the characteristics of Minerva and Arachne. I will then move forward to elaborate the conflict that took the shape of a contest whose result left Arachne embarrassed and broken. I will try to highlight the beauty of this tale and what moral lesson one can derive from this classical description. I have tried to include some of the best artist’s work who were inspired by this tale and produced various art forms depicting the contest between Athena and Arachne and finally the consequences of the battle. I will conclude this essay by my own observation and remarks. ‘Metamorphoses’, an epic poem by Ovid; dates back to around 8 AD. It narrates a story about a mortal lady whose name was Arachne, who was an excellent weaver and out of arrogance about her craft; she proclaimed that her weaving standard was far more superior to the crafts of the goddess of the art Minerva. Minerva, who is the daughter of the supreme god Zeus ;challenges Arachne to enter in a contest to prove her superiority and she held a condition that Arachne will never spin or weave again if she loses. When the contest ends, Arachne realizes her mistake and out of embarrassment hangs herself to death by committing suicide. Athena too realizes that she never meant to bring this rival that far and brings back Arachne to life but transform her in to a spider who weaves with her hands and legs. (Ovid 129-133). Minerva or Athena is a Greek goddess of Arts, wisdom, skill and war. It is believed that she came out of her fathers head, fully grown and there are yet many different version of her birth. Many artists in history have depicted this goddess and she is often pictured as a woman with full armor who

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Creating a Diffusion Line For the Stella McCartney Brand Essay

Creating a Diffusion Line For the Stella McCartney Brand - Essay Example The paper "Creating a Diffusion Line For the Stella McCartney Brand" discovers the supply base of the Stella McCartney brand. Chung et al (2001) and Malhotra (1986) explain that brand personality can also be helpful in creating customer loyalty in the saturated domestic market, and this has been true of Stella McCartney. This is achieved through interaction with positive associations with the personalities of the consumers. Abedania (2010) states that this interaction helps a company to gain deeper understanding of the perception of consumers towards the brand. Stella McCartney has been able to tap into the value of its organized value chains to increase its profit margins, and reduce its expenses like transportation. A retail structure should enable a company to reach more target customers with the product and give an insight to their perceptions. An analysis of the company’s retail organizational structure indicates that it serves the needs of the organization. The company o perates 17 freestanding McCartney stores situated in Milan, New York, Los Angeles and London’s Mayfair, Manhattan’s Soho, Paris’ Palais Royal, LA’s West Hollywood, Rome and Miami. Currently, her collections are distributed in more than 50 countries through a network of 600 wholesale accounts including department stores and specialty shops. There is also an online shop for customers to purchase products online. This retail structure does not allow the company to have a total control on the delivery of its products. An overview of the supply base of the Stella McCartney brand From the above discussion, it is clear that Stella McCartney has an extensive supply chain. This supply chain serves the needs of the proposed diffusion brand and its proposed buying strategy in various ways. First, the extensive supply chain ensures that high-end designs more and easily accessible to the public. The customers are to be allowed to access lowly-priced but specially desi gned products for a limited time. Information from IBISWorld (2012) revels that offering products that are moderately priced than the original line will ensure that the devised buying strategy captures customers from less wealthy and younger demographics. This is a group of budget-conscious buyers and thus this strategy is important in ensure that customer demand is sustained all through the business periods, especially when the value of once-elite brands fades and they no longer sell as they used to. There is room for improvements that will help in ensuring that the existing supply chain serves the needs, and buying strategy of the proposed diffusion brand to a better level. One of the recommendations is to enter into lower-priced designer collaborations with many fast selling fashion retailers. Although the products will be offered at different price ranges, this step will result to increased sales and thus a general increase in revenue. The company is able to interact and communi cate with customers through various ways through its supply chain. For for example, it uses brochures and direct customer service which ensures that the needs of the customers are always taken into accountability when coming up with new designs. Global distribution strategy for taking the product forward to both the B2B and B2C consumer The company’s distribution strategy for taking the product forward to both the B2B and B2C should be formulated from a multichannel perspective.